Press Release

FruGPT Enables Authors and Publishers to Monetize AI Interactions

Ben Smith
#ai#private-ai#press release

DENVER, CO, USA, October 3, 2023 / — In a groundbreaking move, FruGPT has launched a revolutionary platform that empowers authors and publishers to develop personalized AI models using their copyrighted materials. By monetizing AI interactions, FruGPT creates a novel income source for authors or copyright owners.

The AI models, trained with the author’s approved copyrighted materials, have been skillfully designed by FruGPT to deliver highly personalized, dialogic AI experiences to readers. This interaction between readers and AI fosters deep engagement, crafting unique experiences while rewarding the creators transparently.

With FruGPT’s innovative approach, creators are not only able to protect their intellectual property but also turn it into a source of recurring income. The platform has been carefully designed to handle copyrighted materials with respect, ensuring the rights of authors stay intact throughout the process. In today’s digital age, the fusion of AI with engagement provides an unrivaled opportunity for authors to directly profit from their creative works. FruGPT’s game-changing platform is at the forefront, pushing the boundaries of how creators can benefit from their intellectual property.

With the launch of this service, FruGPT welcomes all authors and publishers to explore this new revenue stream, reinventing how information and literature can be made interactive while ensuring copyrights are respected and rewarded.

Readers are invited to delve into AI-driven interactions, enabling an immersive application of literature that extends far beyond the traditional reading experience.

Creators are able to train their own AI at FruGPT to explore how they can turn their copyrighted content into an interactive, income-generating AI model.

About FruGPT

FruGPT is a pioneer in delivering AI solutions that generate revenue for authors and publishers through personalized, dialogic experiences. Championing the rights of creators, FruGPT is transforming the content landscape with its innovative applications of AI in the literary field. FruGPT


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